Thursday, November 6, 2008

From Rachel to Sue, Jeff, Cynthia, Steve

Thanks Sue for reversing that so I could read it in order…

The internet… a “safe place” for us to voice our opinions without having to dodge rotten fruit or bullets these days. Really Sue, we are all passionate fanatics towards those things that we love. And what would America be if we couldn’t voice our opinions… I am on the completely opposite side of Nadine but can understand why she is the way she is and though it’s hard for me to stomach, I have to respect her for being a seemingly “nice” woman and value that she has the right to voice her own opinion. The real problem is that she is regurgitating a lot of trash. But what can you expect when that is all the media will play and most people don’t bother to look into the facts/truths. I suppose this truly makes them sheep following the herd. It goes so far beyond just this presidential election…this is truly a social experiment through the ages, and our warped view of what home and family values mean these days…we once were Pagans and Heathens (the “Christians” cringe when I say this…Pagan coming from the word `paganis' which means a person who lives in the country. A heathen is a person who lives on the heath.) Our way of life was hunting, gathering, farming, living off the land as it was intended with our clans and family. We gave up our lands for profit, we’ve over populated, become greedy (Nadine, if you were a real passionate Christian this is what you would preach against, right?) and we’ve placed more value in “stuff” than we have in our own family and friends…it really is a sad state of affairs that is so far gone who knows if it will ever get better…I can tell you that it will get a lot worse before it rights itself…see why you don’t want to get me started…

there was a great article in the NY Times on an author in Maine by the name of Carolyn Chute…(she calls herself a redneck, the more I read, the more I am ready to get back to the country and the tribe…and become a redneck) here is a quote from one of her interviews…

“The American Dream has served the capitalist elite very well. It has become not just a campaign slogan but our culture. At times it almost feels like it's part of our soul. Through every medium it has seeped. It has filled every cradle. They send a yellow bus to our doors and we gladly shove our children aboard. For many years, day in and day out, the Great Society whispers into each sweet perfect little childly ear. Children are graded like slabs of meat. Pitted against each other for honors. Millions of children are culled out heart and soul because their talents are not academic or marketable, not valued, too tribal. The Great Society begins at 5 years old. And notice how schools in no way resemble home. There are no grammies or dads, babies or dogs hanging around to lend or need a hand. But schools do indeed resemble insurance companies! And politicians have the gall to say we-the-people have forsaken family values!” Carolyn Chute

and here I become the “fanatic”

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